Online Claims Form

Please note: PBTOne users can now lodge claims directly through PBTOne

Welcome to the PBT Claim Application Form.

Please read the 'Claim Application Process' document below and select 'Proceed' to continue.

IMPORTANT - Please read before completing the Claim Application Form. Click on ‘Proceed’ at the end of the process explanation to complete the Claim Application form.

Please note that claims will only be accepted from the freight payer (account holder).

Submitting an online Claim Application

The Claim Application Form is used when lodging a claim with any of the Group’s companies - PBT Transport Limited, PBT Couriers Limited or PBT Bulk Limited.

By using the online application process it helps you meet the Group’s requirements that all claims for damage must be lodged within seven (7) days of delivery and all claims for loss must be lodged within fourteen (14) days of despatch.

In the event of damage being detected by PBT Group staff we undertake to inform you as soon as possible. PBT will also allow notification within 24 hours of delivery in the event of an item showing no obvious signs of damage and is signed for (as received in good order and condition), but discovered to be damaged while unpacking. Notification does not imply or assure claim approval.

To help us respond quickly to your claim, please ensure all sections of the form are completed in full, including your details in the declaration at the bottom. You can also provide all supporting documentation online (in PDF, TIF, Excel and Word formats - ie. not JPG). Simply use the ‘Browse and Add’ function to attach your documentation - or fax or post them to the PBT Claims Team.

When completed, press the ‘Continue’ button at the bottom of the form. We will verify your information and then ask you to submit your claim application by clicking on the ‘Confirm’ button.

We also advise that you take a copy of the form by selecting the ‘Print’ option after you have confirmed your claim application. (Don’t worry, we’ll prompt you to do this).

Receipt of Claim Application

Once you have pressed the ‘Confirm’ button, your claim application will be sent to the PBT Claims Team. When received we will email you to acknowledge receipt. The email will either confirm that your application is being processed or outline other requirements (detailed below) needed to process and complete your application.

Issue of this email does not admit liability for your claim - and approval is conditional upon supply of full supporting documentation and any damaged product being available to us as salvage. Should the claim be approved, we will be in contact with you prior to releasing any payment to arrange collection of this salvage.

Other supporting documentation required

  • Correct PBT Couriers ticket number or PBT Transport consignment note number
  • Copy of invoice billing your client
  • Proof of value - please provide either:
    • A copy of invoice(s) for material(s); or
    • A copy of invoice(s) from supplier of goods to your business; or
    • A computer stock print-out showing cost of goods; or
    • For claiming repairs on damaged product, please provide proof of value for replacement of the original product and proof or repair or quote to repair